Why Authenticity Is Crucial To Your Fashion Brand
An ‘authentic’ brand is a must in the fashion industry. With so many fashion designers launching their collections every year, it’s important to find your voice.
Here is why authenticity matters in the fashion business:
Authenticity is a critical component for any fashion brand. An authentic fashion brand is perceived as genuine, consistent and reliable. Ultimately, authenticity helps create a fashion product that people can relate to.
Apart from cultivating lasting customer relationships, an authentic fashion brand also attracts employees with integrity. Reputable fashion names have a way of attracting top talent as well as investors and partners.
If you wish to increase the awareness of your brand or solidify its authority, create products with a clearly defined purpose. Your fashion brand should reflect your values and mission. Once trust is established, customers, clients, investors, vendors and more will remember your brand.
Trust helps establish a connection with customers and encourages open and direct communication. As a result, you can create products that cater to the needs and preferences of your target audience.
How can you develop an authentic brand? These simple suggestions will help:
· Find out what’s important to your target audience. Get to know their likes, dislikes, wants and needs and they value. Use social media to communicate with customers. It’s easy, effective and free.
· Show your brand’s personality. Is your brand comfortable, funky or formal? Do not be afraid to demonstrate the personality of your brand. It will garner consumers’ interest and spread the word about your brand.
· If you have a website, use high resolution, authentic images of clothes. Using photo shopped images can leave a poor impression on consumers.
· When you are wrong, admit your mistake. If you’ve sold the wrong item to a customer, apologize and take responsibility for your mistake.
· Share the story of your fashion brand on your website. Story telling helps create an emotional connection between brands and consumers. Consumers will feel like they are part of your story.
Building an authentic fashion brand takes time, commitment and patience. Most importantly, you will need to collaborate with an experienced garment manufacturing company Los Angeles, such as Lefty Production Co.

With years of experience and expertise in the fashion business, Lefty Production Co. knows the ins and outs of fashion trends. From garment patternmaking and sample making to cutting, sewing, finishing and packing, they offer complete solutions to new, aspiring and designers around the country.